Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Aghagower and Westport, Co. Mayo

We were finally able to drive up to Co. Mayo Easter weekend to visit my cousin, Shari, and her husband, Olcan, at their gorgeous new home in Aghagower.  The drive up was great and we loved seeing all of the baby lambs romping around the fields.  They were SO cute!
 Olcan takes photography groups on 10 day tours through Co. Mayo and had his coach (bus) at home for the weekend.  It was so nice to be able to all drive around together while he showed us around Westport and the surrounding area.  Scarlett was especially thrilled.
 Olcan pointed out this pub to us which just happens to be owned by a member of The Chieftains, who I love.

A beer garden AND a playground.  What more could you want?  :)

My kids loved this bicycle sculpture.

Back at the house, my kids were obsessed with Olcan and Shari's cat, Mr. Pip.

After a delicious dinner, we headed down the road to explore the cemeteries in Aghagower.   The kids were thrilled when a neighbor's dog, Daisy, started walking down the road with us.

Olcan is an amazing tour guide and Nate and I were trying to take in as much as we could.  Olcan was great about getting Grayson involved, too, and had him on the hunt for the oldest person buried in the cemetery.  According to the headstone, he was 137 years old!!

 Olcan was showing us around the ruins of a  monastery and pointed out the "face in the window," and "3-D Jesus." 

I couldn't pass by this phone booth without snapping a picture.

Unfortunately, my camera died at this point and I forgot to bring the charger with me.  We had a fabulous time visiting with Shari and Olcan and absolutely can not wait to go back to see them soon!!

1 comment:

Grandpa and Abi said...

What wonderful experiences you are having. We really look forward to getting together. We miss you guys!